Sunday 20 July 2014

plant dyed...

...hand spun yarn using madder
I love dyeing with natural plant materials, the results are always really fun, love the burnt orange colour

I used powdered madder root and added alum and a pinch of iron as a mordant
The yarn has been mordanted with alum and cream of tartar

Adding enough water to cover pre-wetted yarn, the gorgeous red coloured liquid is gently heated up to 80*c and simmered for about 45mins. I then left the wool in the dye pot overnight. Rinsed in soapy water until the water runs clear...and this was the result

Will be using the left over dye liquid (exhaust) to colour more yarn and will post results soon

Tuesday 15 July 2014

weaving course...

...last couple of places remaining

 peg loom weaving course being held on 2nd August at The Quercus Rooms, Carmarthen is taking bookings for the last couple of places.

weave your own small mat/ table runner. hands on advice and useful tips. all equipment, including hand carded Welsh wool and refreshments are included.

£30/ person inclusive

2nd Aug 10.00-13.00

email for more details and booking. or go to


hand spinning...

...grey Romney fleece
I love wool spinning, it's my very favourite thing to do, especially when spinning a great fleece like this one.
happy days xxx

Wednesday 9 July 2014

peg loom weaving...

...demonstrations at Hobbycraft
Last Sunday I had the great pleasure of demonstrating my peg loom weaving to the lovely customers of Hobbycraft, Swansea
I had a great day, Mary and her colleagues at Hobbycraft were very welcoming. I did my best to
spread the joy of pure wool and weaving in the city of Swansea and inspired some to try their hand at weaving their own rugs. Great fun xxx

elderflower jelly...


I love this great recipe for Elderflower Jelly. It actually comes out the consistency of honey and can be used the same way. It's really easy and quick to's how...
Pick 30 or so heads of Elderflowers on a dry day, de-stem them all and make sure no little insects are still attached!
Pop all heads in a large pot and cover with boiling water. Leave the Elderflowers to infuse for a few hours, overnight is ok too.
Now strain all the liquid a few times to get the most liquid you can from the flowers...strain in a colander and squeeze out all that lovely juice.
Now put this liquid into the large pan and add a vanilla pod and the juice of 2 lemons. Heat until almost boiling, take out vanilla pod and add jam sugar, about 2kg. Give it all a stir and then boil to jam temperature for about 20-30 mins until you reach the setting point. ( a jam thermometer is really useful here) keep boiling for longer than you feel comfortable as elderflowers do not have much pectin content and so need longer to reach setting point. Scoop away any scum that forms to keep the jelly nice and clear.
When you feel that setting point has been achieved, cool jam for a few minutes and pour, very carefully into sterile, warm jam jars and put lids on straight away. This helps seal the jars.

Leave to cool and then label. 
Enjoy your delicious Elderflower Jelly on toast, on yogurt and granola for breakfast or however you would use honey. It's simply yummy and you will wish you had made more! There's always next year.
Enjoy xxx