Saturday, 30 October 2010

new season...

firstly nellie and eve would like to say                      

a HUGE thank you

to everyone that has voted for us in the

dorset cereals fav blog

we thank you so much for your support

anyone new to our blog
we would love you to vote for us

just click on the dorset cereals logo egg cup and click vote

thank you...

here at nellie and eve hq we are getting set for the
new season ahead

battening done the hatches after the last few days of
      wet and very windy weather

                                                      autumn is well and truly upon us

leaves have fallen everywhere in the garden

but i do love this time of year

the beautiful colours

the smell of wood smoke from the chimney

autumnal walks with the doggies

great news...
our lovely cockerel chuck had his first cry today

hurray we shout

although we may not be soo happy when this happens every day at 0500

  but for now we are really chuffed he has finally found his voice

looking back to the days of harvesting

our peas and potatoes

now in storage

the hard work done for the year                                                           

there is something very rewarding about growing
and harvesting your own food and being able to go to the store cupboard where once it was the
super market

need to grow heaps more next year

walks with the doggies gives me a great
to wear my new neck warmer                                                                          
warm and cosy
no bulky long scarves to wrap                                                 
round and round and round                                                                               
you get the idea...                                              

find them in our shop now



and as the weather turns a little colder

there is nothing more lovely than a hot cup of tea

made in the pot

with a super tea cosy

to keep it all warm

...and nellie and eve have been crocheting away

making tea cosies a plenty

we wanted to say a big congratulations to a lovely cafe/bookshop in Brecon

called The Hours

they have been open for one whole month and doing really well

nellie and eve made the bunting for the big opening at the beginning of october
well done Leigh and Nicky

clocks go back tonight
so dark short days to come
but an hour lie in tomorrow

hope you enjoy it

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