Sunday, 14 November 2010

november days...

waking up to our view at nellie and eve hq

an inversion in the valley

makes it look more like a sea

misty, murky, mild this morning after big storms

things brightened up heaps

our honeysuckle arch having survived

very strong winds over the last few days

nellie and eve have been busy making lots of lovely cosies of all kinds and they are now in the shop

                           Tea cosies, mug cosies and egg cosies too

a running theme I feel to keeping warm this coming winter

and a campaign to making tea in a pot always starts with a tea cosie

tea from a pot

makes an occasion

out of the good old


and while we wait for our toast to brown

pop an egg cosie on your boiled egg

...over the last week or so
as well as crocheting cosies

 i had a birthday...

a padded heart full of
wonderful choccies

can't go wrong
with a gift like that in my book

love it

afternoon tea and antique hunting

made for a great birthday
and found something to buy too

isn't this just fab!

have a great week

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