Saturday, 31 March 2018

#marchmeetthemaker Day 31: Creative Friends. Well this is an easy one, I have had the privilege of meeting some really talented people over the years of exhibiting at fairs, events and shows. It's a great community of like minded friends all on their own creative paths and I feel happy to know them... @cambrian_wool @sarahjerath @wildwoven @james_and_tilla_waters @liliwen_herbs @lliojames @emmaffolkyffelt @adbysarah @wyldwoodwillow @loutonkin @jwrnal_wales @camillefromthimble @lydianeedle @ruralkind @m.s.upholstery @oldfaithfulco @singlemaltteapot . Note: in this post I am also adding Day 28: organised, (image) and Day 29: Community as I missed these and also, Day 26 magazines, love @koelmagazine and @simplethingsmag and Day 27: Recommend a maker...well all these guys above I would recommend, wouldn't dream of singling one out from the rest, they are all fabulous.. . Thanks @joannehawker who initiated this years #marchmeetthemaker, it's been fun X . #happyeaster #happymarch #iamamaker #maker

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