Saturday, 24 March 2018

#marchmeetthemaker @joannehawker Day 24: Achievements. I had to look back at my photos for this one as sometimes it's hard to realise ones own achievements when you enjoy what you do so much...but I acknowledge that I have achieved some personal goals. Running my own courses and tutoring at @farmerhumble @goodlifeexperience and meeting fabulous people. Having my work featured in mags such as @housebeautifuluk and @monmouthshirelife. Exhibiting at @wonderwoolwales, being part of @fifty_bees last year and commissioned to spin yarn for the lovely @imogen.di.sapia to be used in her work and being part of a great initiative to promote #welshwool with @cambrian_wool and meeting HRH Prince Charles. ...and looking after lovely sheep...😉

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